This has to be addressed, right here right now.
I know to most you guys this sounds crazy. But I've been actively observing just about everything for the past 6 months and I've come to the conclusion that the hotter the girl is, the less she is approached. I go to a pretty big college and in the last 6 months, I've seen exactly 1 guy (besides me) do a cold approach on a girl on campus. And this guy was quite WBAFC (glasses, acne, and all that good stuff) with horrible game.
I have a few hot female friends (HB9 and up) that I've asked about this. They all tell me the same thing: they rarely get hit on. When they do get hit on, either they don't realize it or the guy has such bad game that they quickly brush him off or feel bad for him. Example: one of my friends, HB9 face with big tits and a nice, toned body was sitting at a computer terminal on campus. A guy was sitting next to her for about a half hour. When he gets up to leave, he gives her a note that said something along the lines of "I think you're really pretty, but I was afraid to talk to you." Yikes! And that, my friends, was the only time she was hit on in a non-club atmosphere in the few months.
In fact, last semester I approached a girl who, to me, is a HB9.5. I've noticed this girl for at least a year, but was always afraid to approach her b/c she looks like such a *****. I sucked it up and finally did it. Honestly, I built her up so much that I was ****ting myself by the time I got there. We fluffed for about 10-15 min...no negs...no C&F...no kino....only my natural story-telling ability. I don't think she laughed once. Eventually, I ejected, proud that I approached, but obviously not expecting anything to come from it. A few weeks later at a final, I saw the girl for the first time since the approach. Her eyes were glued to me. Figuring she might just be looking in my direction (seeing as how I couldn't understand how she could like me with how subpar my game was), I decided to just leave it alone. Then I saw her again yesterday, but I was sick and extremely out of state so I tried to avoid eye contact. Again, she was looking at me.
Why? Because she's hot and most guys don't have the balls to directly approach her. I did.
If you approach her trying to be her friend, you're doing what EVERY OTHER GUY is doing. Have a normal conversation, do C&F, fluff, venue change, build up the sexual tension, and, for god sakes, CLOSE! Be a man. Be sexual. Let her know what you want and take it (but remember guys no means no ).
Good advice man
No doesn't always mean no.
When i was 15 i asked a chick if she wanted to come back to my place, she looked at me and said no, we kept eye contact for a few seconds then she said "but i will" she ment it and she did another day, no just means not now, unless your some mystery method creep then it really does mean no.
On the subject of helping people i want to say this
When they test you there not competing with you, there not against you, there helping you. There giving you an oppertunity to be more attractive in there eyes and to strengthen yourself and your boundry. They want a man and will unconciously help you to become that man in there eyes, because they like you and want you to be strong and stay strong.
I think anything else regarding tests will just freak people out, honestly thats all guys need to know about tests or "chance to increase your attractivness" as i call it.